Volume 10
Research Paper

Appendicitis in Basrah City: An Observational Study

1. Abstract
1.1. Background
Acute Appendicitis is a prevalent cause of severe lower abdomen discomfort that necessitates rapid attendance at the emergency department, Its occurs in approximately 17.7 million individuals worldwide each year. The study aimed to evaluate factors influencing development of AA in Basrah city.

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Gracilis Muscle Transposition Should Be Strongly Considered as the Treatment of Choice for Complete Fecal Incontinence

Purpose: The degree of anal incontinence range from simply
incontinence to flatus or liquid to solid stool. Surgery may be carried out if conservative measures alone are not sufficient to control
incontinence. Isolated sphincter defects (IAS/EAS) may be treated with sphincteroplasty and if this fails, neosphincter with gracilis
muscle transposition (graciloplasty) or artificial anal sphincter may
be indicated.

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Isolated Terminal Ileitis- Crohn’s Disease or Something Else?

1. Abstract
Introduction: Isolated terminal ileitis (ITI) is commonly
found associated with Crohn’s disease but it has other etiologies
too. Other common causes of ITI include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use, tuberculosis and other bacterial/parasitic infections, neoplasia, radiation or other autoimmune disorders.

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Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): Innovations in Non-Invasive Visualization of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Systems

1. Abstract

Over the past two decades, magnetic resonance cholangiopancre- atography (MRCP) has become more sophisticated. It contious to play a crucial part in the non-invasive study of numerous pancre- aticobiliary diseases. The following review aims to provide readers with an overview of the fundamental concepts behind MRCP, the various methods now in use such as functional and secretin-stimu- lated MRCP), the pitfalls, and the primary clinical indications for its application.

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Research Article

Wormscope: A New Generation of Small Automated Endoscope: Why it can be Gamechanger?

1. Abstract
The traditional endoscope has many risks and disadvantages including pain, risk of anesthesia, looping, trauma to the lumen with bleeding, and perforation. In addition, it cannot reach beyond the second part of duodenum as well as it is sometimes difficult to guide. Aim of this study is to design a device of endoscopy which is easy to control and free from the above problems. Worm scope is a small size endoscope (about the size of human finger) that moves automatically in peristaltic movement like worms which is controlled by joystick. It can examine the entire gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can replace Esophago-gastro-duodenoscope (EGD), colonoscope, enteroscope and wireless capsule.

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Research Article

Biliary Tract – Disease, Treatment, and Quality of Life

1. Abstract
This chapter discusses the most common biliary tract diseases, with particular emphasis on biliary strictures, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and cholangiocarcinoma. The aim is to provide an overview of disease epidemiology, genetic and non genetic risk factors, clinical presentation, treatment options, prognosis and impact on quality of life for each of these conditions. In total, this chapter identifies critical areas for clinicians to recognize a cluster of relatively rare conditions and provides guidance on management, including newly emerging technologies.

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Research Article

The Role of The Gastric Juice in the Defence Against Common and Serious Diseases

1. Abstract
The aetiology of most of the chronic diseases, whether inflammatory, degenerative, or neoplastic, is unknown. The main function of the highly acidic gastric juice with active enzymes, is to kill swallowed microorganisms. This function is lost when gastric juice pH exceeds 4.0, the pH aimed at in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Such treatment is presently the main indication of efficient inhibitors of gastric acid secretion. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease has become more prevalent, but patients without proven reflux are also increasingly treated with such drugs, contributing to a high use of the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Long-term latency of manifestations of infections caused by microorganisms is exemplified for bacteria by Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer, for viruses by hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma, and for prions by Kuru and Mad Cow Disease.Clinical studies over a period of a few years will not disclose such side effects. Moreover, long-term profound acid inhibition also predisposes to gastric cancer. Therefore, there is every reason to be careful in the use of drugs inducing profound inhibition of gastric acid secretion. They should be used for the shortest possible time, and at the lowest dose causing sufficient reduction of gastric acid secretion to relieve symptoms and heal lesions.

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Research Article

The Role of The Gastric Juice in the Defence Against Common and Serious Diseases

1. Abstract
The aetiology of most of the chronic diseases, whether inflammatory, degenerative, or neoplastic, is unknown.

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Research Article

Novel Online Endoscopy Education Video Platform Reduces Carbon Footprint Associated with Endoscopy Related Patient Travel

1. Abstract
1.1. Aims
Endoscopy units are resource intensive and contribute to a significant part of healthcare’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainability measures is at the forefront of shifting towards carbon neutral endoscopy practices.

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Review Article

Serum Pentraxin 3 Level in Egyptian Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common causes of chronic liver injury and is strongly
associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The classical gold standard for diagnosing NAFLD is liver biopsy.

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