Academic journals impose fees known as Article Processing Charges (APCs) to defray the publication costs of an article. Peer review, editing, typesetting, and article hosting on the journal website are all included in these expenses.
Our journal is dedicated to facilitating free access to research so that a larger audience can benefit from it. To achieve this, we charge a APC to cover our costs. We only charge APC after the work has been approved for publication, and we give writers a fee reduction who are unable to pay our APC.
We think that our transparent and reasonably priced APCs accurately represent the caliber of the services we offer to our writers. Our APCs also allow us to continue providing editorial services and peer review at the highest caliber, guaranteeing the quality of the research we publish.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address: If you have any questions or concerns about our APCs or the publication procedure, making the publication process as transparent and easy to use as possible is our aim.
After submitting their (authors) work to the Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, authors may decide to withdraw it. We acknowledge that situations may occur that call for the withdrawal of an article, and we will collaborate with authors to make this process easier. If an author wants to withdraw his work after it has been submitted, the author has to pay a minimum withdrawal fee. The corresponding author will be required to pay 50% of the invoice amount in the case when a manuscript is withdrawn after acceptance but before publication.