Volume 5
Research Article

Epidemiological Profile and Clinical Spectrum of Hepatitis B-Ten Years Experience at Tertiary Care Centre of Northeren India

1. Abstract

1.1. Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, a pan global health problem, has already effected one-third of the world popula- tion. India harbours around 40 million HBV carriers, thus account- ing for 10–15% share of total pool of HBV carriers of the world. Every year over 100,000 Indians die due to illnesses related to HBV infection

1.2. Aims and Objectives: To study the Epidemiological profile and Clinical spectrum of patients with Hepatitis B virus infection.



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Research Article

HCV Genotype 2 is Rare in India – Ten Years’ Experience at Tertiary Care Center of Northeren India

1. Abstract

1.1. Introduction: Viral hepatitis is an important health problem in India and is caused by Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G virus which can lead to acute or chronic infection.

1.2. Aims & Objectives: To determine the genotype of chron- ic hepatitis C patients attending Department of Gastroenterology, PGIMS Rohtak.

1.3. Summary and Conclusions: Our study highlights that Gen- otype 2 is rare in India and Genotype 3 is most common genotype which is difficult to treat Genotype with oral antiviral therapy.


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Review Article

Alcohol Induced Gut Microbiota Modulation: The Role of Probiotics, Pufas, and Vitamin E in Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease

1. Abstract

Chronic alcoholism is a global healthcare problem resulting in 3.3 million deaths or 6% of all deaths. In India, the alcohol consumption rates range from 23-73% in males and 24-48% in females. The liver suffers the greatest degree of injury, because it is the primary site of its metabolism, along with gut and brain. Alcohol metabolism in intestines may result in disruption of tissue homeostasis causing a chronic state of intestinal inflammation.


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Review Article

Systematic Review on Nobiletin a Phyto-Constituent Having Potential to Prevent and Manage Multiple Ailments

1. Review Article


Nobiletin is an abundant phytoconstituent having multiple pharmacological activities. Various citrus species like orange (Citrus sinensis), lemon (Citrus limon), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) and tangerine (Citrus tangirina) having flavanones, flavones, flavon aglycon, and Polymethoxyflavones (Nobiletin & Tangeretin). Nobiletin (HMF); Hexamethoxyflavone {2-(3, 4)-dimethoxyphenyl) -5,6,7,8-tetramethoxychromen-4-one}is extracted from non-edible orange peel rich in polymethoxyflavones (PMFs). Many are suggesting Nobiletin as chemo-sensitizing agent induces nuclear retention of tumor suppressor protein and Tyrosinase inhibitor, inhibiting hepatitis B virus replication. It is also proposed that 2-aryl-4H-chromen-4-one derivative may be effective in Chikungunya Virus, and other suggested multiple activity. Citrus species are traditionally used in Ayurveda as immune modulator which is effective in viral disease because of their antioxidant properties. To study the ability as drug of an independent phyto-active Nobiletin (HMF) is under consideration, HMF is lipophilic in nature, its physiochemical properties may enhance by increasing water solubility for more bioavailable, and prospective as therapeutic agent or as broad-spectrum antiviral.

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Case Report

Temporary Spontaneous Disappearance of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in Patient with Hepatitis C Virus

1. Abstract

An 80-year-old male, diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C and received interferon (IFN) treatment, but was a non-responder. Abdominal contrast CT for screening revealed a hypovascular liver tumor in the liver with para-aortic and intraperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Pathologically, biopsy of the tumor revealed mild infiltration of only inflammatory cells in the portal region and no tumorous change was recognized.



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Research Article

Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol May Be a Key Independent Risk Factor for Asymptomatic Gallbladder Stone Disease in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients in Northwest China: A Case-Control Study

1. Abstract

1.1. Background: Previous studies reported that Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is associated with gallbladder stone disease (GSD). The study aimed to detect the key factors influencing the formation of new-onset GSD among the NAFLD patients.


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Case Report

Low (HDL) Lipoprotein Levels is Strongly Correlated with The Severity of Covid -19 Pneumonia

1. Case Report

Mortality rates of COVID-19 continue to rise across the world. The majority of patients dies from Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary embolism and from cytokine storm syndrome. We describe the case of 52 years old women, with ARDS and Cytokines Storm Syndrome (CSS) who survived.



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Short Communication

Methylprednisolone Decrease In – Hospital Mortality in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia

1. Short Communication

Acute respiratory distress can occur in patients with COVID-19 disease due to viral replication of SARS-COV-2 and an uncontrolled immune inflammatory reaction. We compared the efficacy of intravenous methylprednisolone and intravenous dexamethasone on mortality rate in severe COVID-19 patients with pneumonia and hypoxemia using the new 4C mortality score on admission and on discharge [1].



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Case Report

Hepatic Cysts with Cholesterol Crystal Formation: An Unusual Mimicker of Cyst Infection in A Patient with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

1. Abstract

Hyperechoic echogenicity in a hepatic cyst is a sign of cyst infection. We report a case of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with polycystic liver disease where the hepatic cyst showed glittering spots. Cyst fluid analysis revealed them as cholesterol crystals.


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Research Article

Clinical and Laboratory Forms of Conteporary Manifestation of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

1. Abstract

1.1. Objective: Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) is a big complication of severe complication “ascites” in patients with cirrhosis. There are three clinical forms of SBP (1982) – latent, classical and fulminant. Classic symptoms of peritonitis in SBP are usually absent. Diagnosis of SBP is established if polymorphonuclears (PMNs) in ascitic fluid are >250/mm3 – SBP (PMNs >250/mm3 and positive bacterial cultures) and culture negative neutrophylic ascites (CNNA) or bacterascites (positive bacterial cultures from ascitic fluid and PMNs <250/mm3).


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