Volume 10
Research Article

The Role of The Gastric Juice in the Defence Against Common and Serious Diseases

1. Abstract
The aetiology of most of the chronic diseases, whether inflammatory, degenerative, or neoplastic, is unknown.

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Research Article

Novel Online Endoscopy Education Video Platform Reduces Carbon Footprint Associated with Endoscopy Related Patient Travel

1. Abstract
1.1. Aims
Endoscopy units are resource intensive and contribute to a significant part of healthcare’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainability measures is at the forefront of shifting towards carbon neutral endoscopy practices.

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Review Article

Serum Pentraxin 3 Level in Egyptian Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common causes of chronic liver injury and is strongly
associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The classical gold standard for diagnosing NAFLD is liver biopsy.

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Letter to Editor

Gullo’s Syndrome. Thinking Outside the Box in A Difficult Scenario – A Case Report and Review of Literature

1. Abstract
Benign pancreatic hyperenzymemia, often known as Gullo’s syndrome, is an illness characterized by a gradual rise in pancreatic enzymes over the course of a year, without any physical or functional harm to the pancreas.

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Case Report

An Under Recognized Entity That Need Awareness Hyper Elasticity and Associated Diseases Especially Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome

Dear Editors
During our practice in UAE, we came across many rare and unusual disease presentations that were missed by many centers because of either: Lack of awareness or failure to check detailed history including family history and proper physical examination. Joint hypermobility alone is common in the general population, affecting approximately 10 to 20 percent of individuals to some degree, it maybe
localized or generalized hypermobility.

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Case Report

Promotion Of CO2 Assimilation by Stopping of Nox, NP Elimination Is Easy Method to Stop Global Warming and To Get Fish for Long Life

1. Abstract
Stop NOx elimination by ammonia. Stop water clean center. Abandon bonfire inhibition rule These 3 items are essential to promote
CO2 assimilation to stop global warming stop. By increasing the supply of nitrogen and phosphorous, we can get much fish. Eat Iriko
(boiled and dried sardine) containing hyaluronic acid. for long life. By ocean dumping of radio active substance, we can do nuclear fusion
and human being will be able to live ten thousand years.

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The Degree of Fibrous Stroma in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Does Not Serve as A Reliable Marker for Survival: A Case Study

1.1. Introduction:
The fibrous stroma (FS) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma develops due to chronic injury during tumor invasion, yet emerging evidence indicates its crucial role in tumor invasion.

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Case Report

A Recto-Sigmoid Nitinol Stent Remodeled By Argon Plasma Procedure: A Case Report

1. Clinical Case
An inoperable malignant rectosigmoid stenosis in a 75-years-old men was successfully managed by placing a self-expanding not-covered single-wire Nitinol stent. We intentionally left approximately 15 mm of stent distal to the stenosis to prevent pressure decubitus on the
healthy wall immediately downstream of the distal end of the neoplasm, precisely at the rectosigmoid junction. Few weeks later, the follow-up endoscopy, confirmed the correct stenosis’s resolution with a mild distal displacement of the stent. The patient reported normal
bowel transit, but experienced slight discomfort in the rectal area.

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Novel Online Endoscopy Education Video Platform Reduces Carbon Footprint Associated with Endoscopy Related Patient Travel

1.1. Aims
Endoscopy units are resource intensive and contribute to a significant part of healthcare’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainability measures is at the forefront of shifting towards carbon neutral endoscopy practices. In 2019, our department introduced an online endoscopy education video series to replace in person pre-procedural education, minimising patient travel associated emission.

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Literature Review

Assessment of Risk Factors and Prevalence Patterns of Gastric Metaplasia in Asian Populations: A Systematic Literature Review

1. Abstract
1.1. Objective: This systematic literature review aims to comprehensively examine the specific risk factors contributing to the development of gastric metaplasia in Asian populations. Additionally, the review seeks to determine the prevalence of different types of gastric metaplasia among Asians while exploring variations across different Asian countries and ethnicities.

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