Month: August 2021

The Role of Probiotics as Gastrointestinal Infections Treatment and Prophylaxis: A Review

1. Abstract Probiotics are products which contain microorganisms capable of supporting symbiotic relations with native microbiota of many environments. They are widely used and studied due to their capacity of improving biological systems’ overall health. Many hypothesis exist surrounding the mechanisms by which every microbe labelled as probiotic is the cause by which system health …

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The Use of Inhalational Nitrous Oxide (Entonox) As The Sole Analgesic Agent During Colonoscopy is Feasible and Efficacious in a Substantial Proportion of Patients: A Review of a Surgeon’s Experience

1. Abstract 1.1. Objective: Colonoscopy is associated with significant discomfort requiring administration of intravenous (IV) sedation and analgesia. Nitrous Oxide (Entonox) has been shown as an alternative analgesic modality but is less frequently used in practice. This study examined the efficacy and applicability of Entonox as sole analgesic agent during colonoscopy. DOI:

Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Evaluation of Some Heterocyclic Oxazepine Derivatives

1. Abstract The new serious of pentyloxy and aryloxy benzaldehyde (3ae) were synthesized from the substitution reaction of 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde with different aryl bromide and alkyl bromide, on the basis of Williamson ether synthesis in the presence of Potassium carbonate using absolute ethanol as a solvent. The second step was the synthesis of 2-amino-5-(p-tolyl)1,3,4-thiadiazole. DOI:

Mixing of Sputnik V and Astrazeneca COVID-19 Vaccines

1. Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine helps to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in most cases preventing the disease. Although various brands of vaccines work in different modes, all COVID-19 vaccines prompt an immune reaction to make the body remembers how to protect from the virus in the future. …

Mixing of Sputnik V and Astrazeneca COVID-19 Vaccines Read More »