Volume 10

Unexpected giant Sinonasal Osteoma Following Surgery for Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Polyps: A Case Report

1. Abstract Osteomas are the most frequently observed benign bone tumors of paranasal sinuses. These slow-growing, benign tumors are often asymptomatic and typically discovered incidentally on radiological exams conducted for unrelated complaints. However, their potential for significant complications arises when they grow to a size or position that impacts adjacent structures.

Appendicitis in Basrah City: An Observational Study

1. Abstract 1.1. Background Acute Appendicitis is a prevalent cause of severe lower abdomen discomfort that necessitates rapid attendance at the emergency department, Its occurs in approximately 17.7 million individuals worldwide each year. The study aimed to evaluate factors influencing development of AA in Basrah city.

Gracilis Muscle Transposition Should Be Strongly Considered as the Treatment of Choice for Complete Fecal Incontinence

1.Abstract Purpose: The degree of anal incontinence range from simply incontinence to flatus or liquid to solid stool. Surgery may be carried out if conservative measures alone are not sufficient to control incontinence. Isolated sphincter defects (IAS/EAS) may be treated with sphincteroplasty and if this fails, neosphincter with gracilis muscle transposition (graciloplasty) or artificial anal …

Gracilis Muscle Transposition Should Be Strongly Considered as the Treatment of Choice for Complete Fecal Incontinence Read More »

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): Innovations in Non-Invasive Visualization of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Systems

1. Abstract Over the past two decades, magnetic resonance cholangiopancre- atography (MRCP) has become more sophisticated. It contious to play a crucial part in the non-invasive study of numerous pancre- aticobiliary diseases. The following review aims to provide readers with an overview of the fundamental concepts behind MRCP, the various methods now in use such …

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): Innovations in Non-Invasive Visualization of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Systems Read More »

Wormscope: A New Generation of Small Automated Endoscope: Why it can be Gamechanger?

1. Abstract The traditional endoscope has many risks and disadvantages including pain, risk of anesthesia, looping, trauma to the lumen with bleeding, and perforation. In addition, it cannot reach beyond the second part of duodenum as well as it is sometimes difficult to guide. Aim of this study is to design a device of endoscopy …

Wormscope: A New Generation of Small Automated Endoscope: Why it can be Gamechanger? Read More »

Biliary Tract – Disease, Treatment, and Quality of Life

1. Abstract This chapter discusses the most common biliary tract diseases, with particular emphasis on biliary strictures, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and cholangiocarcinoma. The aim is to provide an overview of disease epidemiology, genetic and non genetic risk factors, clinical presentation, treatment options, prognosis and impact on quality of life for each of these conditions. In …

Biliary Tract – Disease, Treatment, and Quality of Life Read More »