Advances in the Study of the Role of Efferocytosis in Liver Disease
1. Abstract Efferocytosis is the process by which phagocytes remove programmed dead cells, a process understood as the burial of apoptotic cells, hence the term “efferocytosis”.
1. Abstract Efferocytosis is the process by which phagocytes remove programmed dead cells, a process understood as the burial of apoptotic cells, hence the term “efferocytosis”.
1. Abstract Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) remains a disease with an important health burden worldwide. Early diagnosis in combination with favorable individual factors, including a good performance status and liver function allows the performance of surgical and/or locoregional treatment, which can result in an acceptable expected survival.
1. Introduction The need for a new, systematic way of approaching, interpreting and reporting barium swallow, especially in patients with achalasia, arises from the fact that we believe that in life and in medicine in particular, there should not be waste of resources, knowledge and time.
1. Abstract 1.1. Objective: To enhance the effectiveness and confidence in treating patients with rare metabolic disorders complicated by even more complex presentation. 1.Abstract Almost half of humanity suffers from digestive disorders so, it is not surprising that people have developed treatments with plants for these disorders. Today we have a wealth of information from all parts of the world and from many diverse cultures. What is common in this knowledge bank is the frequent occurrence of …
1. Abstract Drug-induced esophagitis or esophageal ulcers is considered when retrosternal chest pain or painful swallowing occurs after ingestion of a suspected drug. Various drugs have been reported to induce esophageal ulcers. Here we reported two female patients who presented with severe dysphagia and retrosternal chest pain, both with a history of doxycycline use. 1. Abstract In this study, we present a case of acute intestinal ischemia due to embolism of the superior mesenteric artery with coexisting Meckel’s diverticulum. Both superior mesenteric artery embolism and complicated Meckel’s diverticulum are a real threat to the patient’s life. Because of similar, non-specific clinical symptoms making the correct diagnosis may be …
Coincidence of Intestinal Ischemia and Meckel’s Diverticulum Read More »
1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended for patients with colon cancer in stage III and stage II accompanied with high-risk features. The study is to clarify effects of oral adjuvant chemotherapy of uracil-futraful (UFUR) and leucovorin on Dukes B and Dukes C colorectal cancer (CRC) patients.
1. Abstract 1.1. Introduction: Fibroscan is noninvasive, safe, quick, inexpensive, and reliable tool to evaluate fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver and works by measuring shear wave velocity. Thus, as per practice followed in developed countries, paramedical staff can be trained for the same, so as to make this test easily and daily available for the …
Fibroscan Training to Paramedical Staff – A Gamechanger in Developing Countries Read More »
1. Abstract The experiment was conducted in dry season in 2021-2022 in Laboratory in cement block of the nursery experiment, faculty of agriculture. Ubon ratchathani University, to investigate the impact of water deficit stress under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) practices on growth and yield responds of rice.