Volume 5

Quo Vadis Medicina Ex Testimoniis? Part 2. After A Quarter of Century, What Now? Some Questions and Answers

1. Abstract Despite being a young domain with a one-generation history or so, evidence-based medicine has benefitted from thousands of contributions, as reflected in numerous book titles and subjects, and original articles. EBM-related philosophical insights are increasing as are endeavours in reasoning, modern argumentation, considerations of causality, and grading of evidence. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47829/JJGH.2020.5302

Quo Vadis Medicina Ex Testimoniis? Part 1. A Quarter Century after Its Inception, Where is Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Today? More Questions than Answers

1. AbstractThe domain of ‘Evidence-based medicine’ (also known as ‘EBM’) is increasingly ubiquitous across the medical literature and experience. It is just about one generation old and worthy of further refinements.Five related insights are outlined here:Among others, clinical epidemiology, fundamental and field epidemiology and biostatistics have led to EBM. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47829/JJGH.2020.5303

Clinical Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Vignettes: Where Are We Today?

1. Abstract In the past two or three decades, we have witnessed and built remarkable methodologies not only specific to the growing spectrum of clinical case reporting, but also diversified based on what we are doing, presenting, and evaluating as pertains to our daily experience with clinical cases. Yes, such endeavours are also research. This …

Clinical Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Vignettes: Where Are We Today? Read More »

Acronymization of Evidence-Based and Other Medicines Anything Goes, or Should It?

1. Abstract Evidence-Based Medicine is here to stay, and it is expanding, with evolving modifications, new topics, new research and teaching groups, and new recipients of information. Acronyms, as brief and condensed ways to present and understand ideas related to the above-mentioned phenomena, are also increasing in number and some, serious or funny, are worthy …

Acronymization of Evidence-Based and Other Medicines Anything Goes, or Should It? Read More »

Impact of Surgical Staging for Aggressive Histology Rectal Cancers – A Retrospective Review

1. Abstract 1.1. Introduction: Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinomas (PDAC) and Signet ring adenocarcinomas (SRAC) are aggressive histologic subtypes of rectal cancer with high incidence of imaging occult peritoneal metastasis. 1.2. Methods: Retrospective review of aggressive histology, rectal cancer patients who underwent pre-treatment surgical staging as part of ovarian transposition or ostomy creation for diversion at a …

Impact of Surgical Staging for Aggressive Histology Rectal Cancers – A Retrospective Review Read More »

Quo Vadismedicina Ex Testimoniis? A Quarter Century after its Inception, Where is Evidence-Based Medicine Now? More Questions than Answers

1. AbstarctTo mistrust science and deny the validity of the scientific method is to resign your job as a human. You’d better go look for work as a plant or wild animal. P.J. OÂ’Rourke 1947- Parliament of Whores (1991).Just as Peter asked Jesus in the New Testament about two thousand years ago, Domine, quo vadis? …

Quo Vadismedicina Ex Testimoniis? A Quarter Century after its Inception, Where is Evidence-Based Medicine Now? More Questions than Answers Read More »

The Influence of Pre-Treatment with a Proton Pump Inhibitor / H2 Receptor Antagonists on Helicobacter Pylori Eradication

1. Abstract Vonoprazan (VPZ) is more useful than proton pump inhibitor (PPI)-based regimen as H. pylori eradication therapy. It is controversial whether pretreatment with H2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) or PPI before H. pylori eradication treatment increases or decreases the eradication rate. In this retrospective study, 802 patients with H. pylori infection were treated. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.47829/JJGH.2020.5201

Wire Swallowing: A Purging Behavior

1. Clinical ImagePurging is a self-inflicted behavior, to ridding the body of food consumed in order to lose weight or prevent weight gain. Self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic abuse, enemas and excessive exercise are well-known purging behaviors. Purging disorder affects 2.5-4.8% of adolescent females; the behavior mostly affects physiologically and potentiates physical harm [1, 2]. …

Wire Swallowing: A Purging Behavior Read More »

Putative Regulatory Element Located in the Introns 9 and 17 of the ACE2 Gene May Be Influenced By COVID-19 Risk Variants

1. Abstract Preliminary genomic data of the SARS-CoV2 virus responsible for COVID-19 showed that, its ability to infect relies on special cell surface spike proteins that have binding affinity to the human protein angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2). Among several patients analysed, it usually infects most age groups evenly. However, only a small percent of the confirmed …

Putative Regulatory Element Located in the Introns 9 and 17 of the ACE2 Gene May Be Influenced By COVID-19 Risk Variants Read More »

Helicobacter Pylori Infection of Lingual Dorsum. Risk of Gastric Infection Helicobacter Pylori

1. Clinical Image The role of Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity has been researched/studied by our study group for the last 28 years. At that time, there wasnÂ’t a clinical entity that included Burning, Lingual Papillary Hypertrophy and Halitosis (BHH) together. However, the patients who presented this condition did not find an effective response …

Helicobacter Pylori Infection of Lingual Dorsum. Risk of Gastric Infection Helicobacter Pylori Read More »