Month: April 2020

Mass Spectrometry Analysis Reveals Dynamic Changes of Protein Components in Lipid Rafts from Rat Liver after Partial Hepatectomy

Lipid raft, as scaffolding platform for signal transduction, plays important role in the liver re- generation. But the lipid raft protein expression pattern during liver regeneration has been not reported. In this study, lipid raft proteins from the liver of 72 h post partial hepatectomy and sham-operated group were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry …

Mass Spectrometry Analysis Reveals Dynamic Changes of Protein Components in Lipid Rafts from Rat Liver after Partial Hepatectomy Read More »

A Pilot Study Examining the Effect of Kelulut Honey in Dengue Infected Patients by Examining Clinical, Hemodynamic and Biochemical Parameters

To examine the effects of low dose Kelulut honey administration in dengue patients on the outcome of clinical, haematological and hemodynamic parameters. 47 serological positive dengue patients (age 33+11 year) were included in this doubleblinded randomized control trial. Twenty-four patients were given low dose of Kelulut honey (0.2 mg/kg/day) for 3 days, while 23 patients

Sedation versus Nonsedation among Critically-Ill Patients Re- ceiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

At present, sedation in patients on mechanical ventilator remains the standard of care. However, many trials have shown that sedation was associated with worse outcomes (i.e. more days on mechanical ventilation and higher mortality rates). We explored the use of nonse- dation protocols as compared to conventional

Low-Grade, Well-Differentiated Gastric Tubular Adenocarcinoma (LG-Tub1): Why should it be noticed now ?

Low-grade, well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma; Narrow-band imaging; Magnifying endoscopy; Differential diagnosis; Endoscopic submucosal dissection; Histologically mixed type; Premalignant gastric neoplasia; Gastric mucin phenotype; Gastric cancer after successful Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy; Gastric cancer without Helicobacter pylori infection; Early gastric cancer

A Pancreatic Tumor with Central Calcification

A 49-year-old woman visited our hospital with a history of epigastralgia, high fever and general malaise. Her temperature was 37.6 ?. There was no significant past medical history. On physical ex- amination, she had tenderness at the upper abdomen. Laboratory data were as follows: white blood cell count of 3000/?L, C-reactive protein of 6.77mg/dL, carcinoembryonic …

A Pancreatic Tumor with Central Calcification Read More »