Review Article

Data Analysis of Online Shopping Platform During the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease

1. Abstract Data analysis of online shopping platform, and with the develop- ment of online platform, more and more consumers will choose this convenient way of online shopping. This paper uses Spyder’s time- based model to mine the rating data of Amazon online shopping platform, establishes a neural network model, analyzes the connec- tion relationship …

Data Analysis of Online Shopping Platform During the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease Read More »

Alcohol Induced Gut Microbiota Modulation: The Role of Probiotics, Pufas, and Vitamin E in Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease

1. Abstract Chronic alcoholism is a global healthcare problem resulting in 3.3 million deaths or 6% of all deaths. In India, the alcohol consumption rates range from 23-73% in males and 24-48% in females. The liver suffers the greatest degree of injury, because it is the primary site of its metabolism, along with gut and …

Alcohol Induced Gut Microbiota Modulation: The Role of Probiotics, Pufas, and Vitamin E in Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease Read More »

Systematic Review on Nobiletin a Phyto-Constituent Having Potential to Prevent and Manage Multiple Ailments

1. Review Article Abstract Nobiletin is an abundant phytoconstituent having multiple pharmacological activities. Various citrus species like orange (Citrus sinensis), lemon (Citrus limon), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) and tangerine (Citrus tangirina) having flavanones, flavones, flavon aglycon, and Polymethoxyflavones (Nobiletin & Tangeretin). Nobiletin (HMF); Hexamethoxyflavone {2-(3, 4)-dimethoxyphenyl) -5,6,7,8-tetramethoxychromen-4-one}is extracted from non-edible orange peel rich in polymethoxyflavones (PMFs). …

Systematic Review on Nobiletin a Phyto-Constituent Having Potential to Prevent and Manage Multiple Ailments Read More »

Vedolizumab-Related Arthralgias in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review

1. Abstract 1.1 Background: Multiple papers have reported the development of new-onset arthralgias with vedolizumab (VDZ) for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Other studies have shown that VDZ may help in preexisting enteropathic spondyloarthropathy. We sought to probe this issue by conducting a systematic review. DOI:

Acute Peritonitis Generalized by Typhoid Perforation at Kankan Regional Hospital

1. Abstract 1.1. Aim: The aim of this study is to make our contribution to the study of acute generalized peritonitis of typhus origin at the Kankan Regional Hospital. Typhoid perforation is defined as the opening of a hollow viscus in the abdominal cavity due to salmonella. 1.2. Methodology: We carried out a 6-month prospective …

Acute Peritonitis Generalized by Typhoid Perforation at Kankan Regional Hospital Read More »

Immune Profile of Severe Refractory Crohn’s Disease Patients Candidates to Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

1. Abstract Crohn’s disease is a chronic relapse – remitting inflammatory bowel disease with a wide range of incapacitating symptoms, and significant health care costs. The complex pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease is not always solved by conventional and biologic therapies and thus, some patients evolve with severe refractory disease. T and B cells reacting to …

Immune Profile of Severe Refractory Crohn’s Disease Patients Candidates to Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Read More »

Large Bowel Auto-Immune Diseases: Current Recommendation for Surgery

1. Abstract There are two clinical features of autoimmune disease in the large intestine that we often find in our clinical practice, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. The clinical picture that we need to understand is the change in bowel patterns over the past few weeks. Clinical symptoms that appear need to be diagnosed …

Large Bowel Auto-Immune Diseases: Current Recommendation for Surgery Read More »

Quo Vadis Medicina Ex Testimoniis? Part 2. After A Quarter of Century, What Now? Some Questions and Answers

1. Abstract Despite being a young domain with a one-generation history or so, evidence-based medicine has benefitted from thousands of contributions, as reflected in numerous book titles and subjects, and original articles. EBM-related philosophical insights are increasing as are endeavours in reasoning, modern argumentation, considerations of causality, and grading of evidence. DOI: